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Special Issue “Food and Beverage Tourism: Management and Marketing Perspectives”

Roberta Garibaldi è co-editore, insieme ai professori Saurabh Kumar Dixit e Vikas Gupta, dello Special Issue “Food and Beverage Tourism: Management and Marketing Perspectives” della rivista Journal of Foodservice Business Research.

Gli abstract della lunghezza massima di 550 parole dovranno essere inviati entro il 31 Dicembre 2020 ai seguenti indirizzi email:, e

Gli autori riceveranno un feedback entro il 15 Gennaio 2021.

Overview of the special issue:

Food and beverage tourism enables appreciation of the culinary resources of a region offering the tourists an opportunity to become familiar with new and exciting flavors, textures, aromas, as well as perceiving the cultural and historical heritage of a place (Dixit, 2019). Hall and Mitchell (2001) indicate that food tourism can include visits to food producers, gastronomic festivals, food fairs and events, restaurants, farmers’ markets, cooking shows and demonstrations and specific food-related places, as well as tasting tours – activities that specifically offer culinary experiences. Food tourism due to its broad nature has a very diverse and multidisciplinary orientation in the academic resources. The emergence of large number of tourism destinations globally, local foods and beverages remain the key resources to market destinations successfully.

To facilitate an overview of the food tourism research, it is sensible to divide existing research into a food tourist, a producer and a destination development perspective (Dixit, 2019). Food tourists are driven to indulge in food tourism activities because of their hedonic aspiration towards food consumption as the soul of food tourism lies in its ability to satisfy the emotional psychological and physical desires of the tourist. In terms of producers, a large variety of food producers cater for the experiential needs of food tourists, including hotels, restaurants, attractions, farmers’ markets and food festivals. From the destination’s perspective, it is the tourist’s hedonic desires towards food that makes local food an important tourist attraction as any other attraction of a destination (Dixit, 2020). Due to its close connection to the natural and cultural traditions of a place, local food and meals are frequently used place symbols that link up with a sense of authenticity. The local food therefore offers the destinations the branding potential to segregate them from other similar paces of tourists’ interest (Garibaldi, 2020).

Food tourism studies have been undertaken from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including economics, marketing, regional development, nutrition, economics, tourism, anthropology, psychology and other social sciences. The existing literature on Food Tourism includes ‘management and marketing perspectives’ and ‘cultural and sociological perspectives’ (Dixit 2019). Therefore, the guest editors call for novel theoretical and empirical research that will enrich the body of knowledge specially in management and marketing paradigms of food tourism, by identifying emerging and future trends. The guest editors encourage the contributors from diverse disciplines to forward both conceptual, empirical, mix method and applied research reflecting innovative and current approaches to the scrutiny of the theme. We encourage contributions from various disciplines as well as joint research works undertaken by the collaborative research teams. The submissions should explore the evolving scopes but not limited to the following topics:

  • Food and beverage tourism at macro-meso-micro levels
  • Food tourism and food specialities (e.g. cheese-makers, olive oil producers, fisheries, etc.)
  • Wine / Beer / Spirits / Tea / coffee and other stimulating beverage tourism
  • Developing destination thorough food and beverage
  • The impact of food and beverage tourism on development of rural areas
  • Community Development through food tourism
  • Culinary mapping and tourism
  • Digital marketing in food and beverage tourism
  • Local supply chains in food and beverage tourism
  • Foods and wine pairing
  • Servicescape and food tourism
  • Food markets / farmers markets
  • Food and beverage festivals and shows
  • Food and beverage trails and tourism
  • Sustainable approaches in wine and food business
  • Sustainable restaurant system
  • Food tourist consumer behaviour
  • Scary foods and consumer’s fears and phobia
  • Special food consumptions patterns and influence of religion
  • Consumer risks and benefits related to food and wine
  • New technologies for improving customer experience in the post Covid-19 era (E-food and E-beverage business concepts and the tourism ingredients, Remote social dining and partying, etc.)
  • The impact of food and beverage tourism on development of rural areas
  • Developing destination thorough food and beverage
  • Emerging best practices of food and beverage tourism


Full instructions for authors of the Journal of Foodservice Business Research can be found at 

Important Dates:
• Abstract Submission: December 31, 2020
• Feedback on the abstract by the editors: January 15, 2021
• Full Paper Submission: April 15, 2021
• Initial Review Report: June 30, 2021
• Revisions: August 14, 2021
• Final Decision by Special Issue Editors: August 30, 2021
• Publication Date: October 2021

Dixit, S. K. (2019). Gastronomic Tourism: A Theoretical Construct. In Dixit, S. K. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism (pp. 13-23.). London: Routledge.

Dixit, S. K. (2020), Marketing Gastronomic Tourism Experiences. In Dixit, S. K. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing (pp. 322-335). London: Routledge.

Garibaldi, R. (2020) (ed.). Report on gastronomy tourism in Italy: trends.

Hall, C.  M., & Mitchell, R.  (2001).  Wine and Food Tourism.  In N.  Douglas & R. Derrett (Eds.), Special Interest Tourism: Context and Cases (pp. 307-329). Brisbane: John Wiley.